Monday, October 17, 2011

Kansas City, MO

Zac had a weekend baseball tournament in the Kansas City, MO area so we packed up the motor home and hit the road bright and early Friday morning.

Dan and Shelly joined us on this adventure, as well as Gabe (plays on the 18u team).

I made a pan of breakfast rolls and we hit the road! Along the way, Zac and Gabe worked on their homework a little bit, we all played some games, and took naps. On the way down we stopped at a little fast food type joint called Maid-Rite.  They had the best chili-dogs!

The boys thought it would be fun to do some 'soft toss' in the motor home - while we were driving! I was so nervous, but they had a blast. Shane found a "sawed off baseball bat" at home, and brought that with along with 6 small whiffle balls so Zac and Gabe took turns hitting the balls while the motor home was in motion. Kind of funny!

We made it to the baseball field just in time for Zac to get changed into his uniform and start warming up. The tournament was a 3 game minimum, and depending on where they seeded, would determine if they moved on to bracket play.

They won the first 2 games, and lost the 3rd game but ended up seeding high enough to move on to bracket play.

The very last game they played ended up being a tie, and went extra innings! They played for 3 hours until the other team finally scored!

We were on the road headed towards home by 3:00 pm on Sunday. After dropping Shelly and Dan's rental car off at the airport, we found a Hooter's to eat at. The food wasn't nearly as good as the Hooter's we went to in Mesa last spring.

We rolled into our driveway at about 2:30 am, Monday morning.

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